This Giant Robot Draining A Bunch Of Shots During Halftime Of The USA Game Is Far Too Good For My Liking

No thank you. I don't need to see this robot shooting like he's playing in the 1950s at the Garden here. Pretty good form except the whole 20 seconds to release the ball thing. Here's the thing, nobody can block this fucker. You can just put him on the wing and have him stand there and catch and shoot from anywhere. Just gotta make sure you get to him with like 15 seconds left on the shot clock. The last thing basketball needs is some real robot out there. I’m terrified of all these robot advancements. We’ve seen it all over the place. Whether it’s the automatic driving car. The robot dog. There’s too much. I don’t trust them. Call me a basic midwestern guy now, I just prefer people. 

Also let's be honest. The Kings are debating drafting this guy right this second. No doubt in my mind Vlade would see this and immediately get ready to draft him. 

I'd 100% take this robot over Jayson Tatum on Team USA right now.

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